
Приводной ремни и ролики XC90

4 264,63 4 900
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
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    'id_1c' => 'MMub6ApTgyI8r5KPjBAj23',
    'name' => 'Ремень приводной \\\\ VOLVO S60R,V70R,S80,XC90 \\\\ SKF',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => 'VKMV 6DK1825 Ремень приводной \\\\ VOLVO S60R,V70R,S80,XC90 \\\\ SKF',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ремень приводной \\\\ VOLVO S60R,V70R,S80,XC90 \\\\ SKF цена 1421.25 На странице товара Вы найдете описание запчастей, можете скачать бесплатно инструкции, посмотреть руководство по ремонту, также у нас есть ст',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2015-07-18 11:21:45',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:25:44',
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    'video_url' => NULL,
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    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'remen-privodnoj-volvo-s60r-v70r-s80-xc90-skf',
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    'price' => '4264.6300',
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    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'priority' => '110',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
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    'moyskladapi_have_null_sku' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '4264.6300',
    'frontend_price' => '4264.6300',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '1621.9000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '1621.9000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '4264.6300',
    'frontend_max_price' => '4264.6300',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '4900.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '4900.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Нет в наличии
13 716,49 15 770
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '14589',
    'moyskladapi_id' => 'c2f7a27d-1867-11ef-0a80-101600356e0a',
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'VtbZmmL-iG9jbYCyH83WF3',
    'name' => 'Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель\\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, V70, XC90 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31251251',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '31251251 Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель\\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, V70, XC90 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31251251',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель\\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, V70, XC90 \\\\ VOLVO Original 31251251',
    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price} С доставкой по всей России Возможна установка в нашем сервисе Вольво {$summary} всегда в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги доставка по России любая форма оплаты ',
    'description' => '<p>Volvo S60 -2009, S80 -2006, V70 P26, XC70 2001-2007, XC90 -2014<span></span>  </p>',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2014-07-10 12:57:05',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:38:36',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '5324',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
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    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'natyazhitel-privodnogo-remnya-dizel-eng-349809-volvo-s60-s80',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '13716.4900',
    'compare_price' => '15770.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '13716.4900',
    'max_price' => '13716.4900',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '113.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '13716.4900',
    'min_base_price' => '13716.4900',
    'max_base_price' => '13716.4900',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '84668.1300',
    'category_id' => '1103',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '200',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
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    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '13716.4900',
    'frontend_price' => '13716.4900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '13716.4900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '13716.4900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '13716.4900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '13716.4900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '15770.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '15770.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
2 414,81 2 780
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '15464',
    'moyskladapi_id' => '4aebf8ce-186e-11ef-0a80-063600369e18',
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'sDxawnMii1zWfpkYVzQAJ2',
    'name' => 'Ролик натяжителя приводного ремня VOLVO S60, S80, V70 II, XC70, XC90 \\\\ INA 531 0760 10',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '531 0760 10 Ролик натяжителя приводного ремня VOLVO S60, S80, V70 II, XC70, XC90 \\\\ INA 531 0760 10',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Ролик натяжителя приводного ремня VOLVO S60, S80, V70 II, XC70, XC90 \\\\ INA 531 0760 10',
    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price}, с установкой в нашем сервисе Вольво. {$summary} В нашем интернет-магазине в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги, организуем доставку по всей России, любая форма оплаты.',
    'description' => '<p>Ролик натяжителя приводного ремня INA <strong>531 0760 10</strong> является частью системы привода навесного оборудования двигателей автомобилей Volvo моделей S60, V70 II, S80, XC70 и XC90. Он предназначен для обеспечения оптимального натяжения приводного ремня, что в свою очередь гарантирует надежную и эффективную работу генератора, насоса гидроусилителя руля и других агрегатов.</p>

<p>Ролик изготовлен из качественных материалов и обладает высокой степенью износостойкости, что позволяет ему выдерживать длительные нагрузки и обеспечивать долгосрочную эксплуатацию без замены. Благодаря своей конструкции, ролик INA <strong>531076010</strong> обеспечивает плавное и тихое функционирование приводного ремня даже при высоких оборотах двигателя.</p>

<p>Установка данного ролика натяжителя должна производиться только квалифицированными специалистами, так как неправильная установка может привести к негативным последствиям для работы двигателя и навесного оборудования. При этом, после замены ролика рекомендуется провести проверку и настройку приводного ремня у профессионалов, чтобы гарантировать его оптимальное натяжение и надежную работу.</p>',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2015-12-24 12:14:47',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:45:00',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '11234',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '6168',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'rolik-natyazhitelya-privodnogo-remnya-volvo-s60-s80-v70-xc90',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '2414.8100',
    'compare_price' => '2780.0000',
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    'max_base_price' => '2414.8100',
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    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '32517.5100',
    'category_id' => '935',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>INA</span></div> ',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'priority' => '203',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_sku_count' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_have_null_sku' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '2414.8100',
    'frontend_price' => '2414.8100',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '2414.8100',
    'frontend_min_price' => '2414.8100',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '2414.8100',
    'frontend_max_price' => '2414.8100',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '2780.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '2780.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ 1 день)
7 497,66 8 620
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '15036',
    'moyskladapi_id' => '4a19626d-186e-11ef-0a80-050a003550e7',
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => '2PzexolPjzN2cZ3l0EkKt1',
    'name' => 'Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель \\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, XC70, XC90 \\\\ INA 534 0319 10',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '534 0319 10 Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель \\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, XC90 \\\\ INA 534 0319 10',
    'meta_keywords' => 'Натяжитель приводного ремня Дизель \\\\ ENG 349809- \\\\ VOLVO S60, S80, XC90 \\\\ INA 534 0319 10',
    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price}, с установкой в нашем сервисе Вольво. {$summary} В нашем интернет-магазине в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги, организуем доставку по всей России, любая форма оплаты.',
    'description' => '<p>Натяжитель приводного ремня с роликами Дизель \\\\ после номера мотора 349809- Применяется на моделях Volvo S60 (-2009), S80 (-2006), V70 P26, XC70 (2001-2007), XC90 (-2014)</p>',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2015-06-04 11:15:34',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:45:00',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => '8198',
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '5755',
    'ext' => 'jpg',
    'url' => 'natyazhitel-privodnogo-remnya-dizel-eng-349809-volvo-s60-s-1',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '7497.6600',
    'compare_price' => '8620.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '7497.6600',
    'max_price' => '7497.6600',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '2.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '7497.6600',
    'min_base_price' => '7497.6600',
    'max_base_price' => '7497.6600',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '73516.6600',
    'category_id' => '935',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>INA</span></div>
<div class="badge" style="background-color: #aa7c30;"><span>отличный аналог</span></div>
<div class="badge" style="background-color: #aa7c30;"><span>лидер продаж</span></div>
<div class="badge" style="background-color: #0d06f8;"><span>Рекомендуем</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '220',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_sku_count' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_have_null_sku' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '7497.6600',
    'frontend_price' => '7497.6600',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '7497.6600',
    'frontend_min_price' => '7497.6600',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '7497.6600',
    'frontend_max_price' => '7497.6600',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '8620.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '8620.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Склад на Поморской
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '91288',
    'moyskladapi_id' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
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    'id_1c' => 'e3026fd7-b95b-40df-8cc2-274520893e9b',
    'name' => 'Ремонтный комплект ГРМ с помпой 5 цилиндров VOLVO S60, S80, V70 II, XC70, XC90 \\\\ до 2004 года \\\\ SKF VKMC 06604 10',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Array',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2020-01-04 20:44:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-03-27 15:34:56',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
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    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '13100',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => '91288',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price' => '0.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '0.0000',
    'max_price' => '0.0000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '0.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '0.0000',
    'min_base_price' => '0.0000',
    'max_base_price' => '0.0000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1103',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>SKF</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '500',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_sku_count' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_have_null_sku' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '0.0000',
    'frontend_price' => '0.0000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '0.0000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '0.0000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '0.0000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '0.0000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '0.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '0.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
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  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Нет в наличии
1 164,67 1 340
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '108045',
    'moyskladapi_id' => 'f8db10b1-186d-11ef-0a80-01c300370702',
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'KRS19CGdjWFgOKyGwddTo1',
    'name' => 'Ролик ГРМ, натяжной eng.3188689- \\\\ GParts VO30637955',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => 'VO30637955 Ролик ГРМ, натяжной eng.3188689- \\\\ Gparts VO30637955',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить недорого Ролик ГРМ, натяжной eng.3188689- \\\\ GParts VO30637955 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. Доставка по России.',
    'description' => ' ',
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    'price' => '1164.6700',
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    'max_price' => '1164.6700',
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    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '1164.6700',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '1164.6700',
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Основной Склад магазина
21 382,49 24 590
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shopProduct object {
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    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'oyyOZTnPgFAskUUclNPW71',
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    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price}, с установкой в нашем сервисе Вольво. {$summary} В нашем интернет-магазине в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги, организуем доставку по всей России, любая форма оплаты.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '8686',
    'create_datetime' => '2021-04-06 15:16:33',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:24:09',
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    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
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    'unconverted_price' => '21382.4900',
    'frontend_price' => '21382.4900',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '21382.4900',
    'frontend_min_price' => '21382.4900',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '21382.4900',
    'frontend_max_price' => '21382.4900',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '24590.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '24590.0000',
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  *dependent_fields => []
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Основной Склад магазина
2 548,72 2 930
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
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    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'BeUz3ZlQjojowXzlDl9o50',
    'name' => 'Холостой ролик VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II, XC90 \\\\ на 6-ти цилиндровые двигатели \\\\ 3,2 \\\\ LAND ROVER LR006076',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => 'LR006076 Холостой ролик VOLVO S60 II, S80 II, XC60, XC70 II, XC90 \\\\ на 6-ти цилиндровые двигатели \\\\ 3,2 \\\\ LAND ROVER LR006076',
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    'meta_description' => 'Предлагаем купить в интернет-магазине {$name} по цене {$price}, с установкой в нашем сервисе Вольво. {$summary} В нашем интернет-магазине в наличии оригинальные запчасти и качественные аналоги, организуем доставку по всей России, любая форма оплаты.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '8686',
    'create_datetime' => '2021-04-06 15:16:34',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:25:54',
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    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '2548.7200',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '2548.7200',
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  *is_dirty => []
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  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
533,60 610
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shopProduct object {
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    'summary' => '',
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    'description' => '',
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    'create_datetime' => '2021-04-06 15:17:43',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:25:51',
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    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '533.6000',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '533.6000',
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  *dependent_fields => []
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Основной Склад магазина
1 634,79 1 880
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
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    'name' => 'Ролик натяжителя ремня агрегатов Вольво \\\\ D5244Txx \\\\ SKF VKM 36230',
    'summary' => '',
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    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '8686',
    'create_datetime' => '2021-04-15 17:37:19',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:25:53',
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    'sku_type' => '0',
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    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '1634.7900',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '1634.7900',
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Основной Склад магазина
1 850 2 130
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shopProduct object {
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    'name' => 'Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ Ruville 8630590',
    'summary' => '<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;"></span></span> </p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Место установки:<span style="color: #0000ff; mso-spacerun: yes;"> система ГРМ</span><span style="color: #0000ff;">;</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Период замены ГРМ; <span style="color: #ff0000;">каждые 120 000 км. или 5 лет</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Для автомобилей с бензиновами двигателями; <span style="color: #0000ff;">B5204Txx, B5234Txx, B5244Txx, B5244Sxx, 5254Txx бензин 2.0, 2.4 и 2.5 литра.</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"></span><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Применяются на автомобилях</span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">:<span style="color: #800000;"> <span style="color: #0000ff;">VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90.</span></span></span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px;; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br /></span></p>',
    'meta_title' => '56515 Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ Ruville 8630590',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ Ruville 8630590',
    'description' => '<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;"></span></span> </p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Место установки:<span style="color: #0000ff; mso-spacerun: yes;"> система ГРМ</span><span style="color: #0000ff;">;</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Период замены ГРМ; <span style="color: #ff0000;">каждые 120 000 км. или 5 лет</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Для автомобилей с бензиновами двигателями; <span style="color: #0000ff;">B5204Txx, B5234Txx, B5244Txx, B5244Sxx, 5254Txx бензин 2.0, 2.4 и 2.5 литра.</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"></span><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Применяются на автомобилях</span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">:<span style="color: #800000;"> <span style="color: #0000ff;">VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90.</span></span></span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px;; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br /></span></p>',
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Нет в наличии
1 182,54 1 360
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '14940',
    'moyskladapi_id' => 'f9f90894-186d-11ef-0a80-04d5003638a9',
    'moyskladapi_type' => 'product',
    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'Hw2z6VGUiDClqVsGNMMf21',
    'name' => 'Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ GParts',
    'summary' => '<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;"></span></span> </p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Место установки:<span style="color: #0000ff; mso-spacerun: yes;"> система ГРМ</span><span style="color: #0000ff;">;</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Период замены ГРМ; <span style="color: #ff0000;">каждые 120 000 км. или 5 лет</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Для автомобилей с бензиновами двигателями; <span style="color: #0000ff;">B5204Txx, B5234Txx, B5244Txx, B5244Sxx, 5254Txx бензин 2.0, 2.4 и 2.5 литра.</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"></span><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Применяются на автомобилях</span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">:<span style="color: #800000;"> <span style="color: #0000ff;">VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90.</span></span></span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px;; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br /></span></p>',
    'meta_title' => 'VO8630590 Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ GParts',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ролик холостой ГРМ VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90 \\\\ GParts',
    'description' => '<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;"></span></span> </p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Место установки:<span style="color: #0000ff; mso-spacerun: yes;"> система ГРМ</span><span style="color: #0000ff;">;</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet1.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Период замены ГРМ; <span style="color: #ff0000;">каждые 120 000 км. или 5 лет</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Для автомобилей с бензиновами двигателями; <span style="color: #0000ff;">B5204Txx, B5234Txx, B5244Txx, B5244Sxx, 5254Txx бензин 2.0, 2.4 и 2.5 литра.</span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px; mso-add-space: auto; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"></span><span style="font-family: Symbol; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="mso-list: Ignore;">·<span style="font: 7pt \'Times New Roman\';"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Применяются на автомобилях</span></span><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">:<span style="color: #800000;"> <span style="color: #0000ff;">VOLVO 850, C30, C70, S40, S40II, S60, S60 II, S70, S80, S80II, V40, V40 Cross Country, V50, V70II, V70III, XC70, XC90.</span></span></span></span></p>
<p class="MsoListParagraphbullet2.gif" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; text-indent: -18pt; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt 36pt; padding-left: 0px;; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1;"><span style="font-family: \'Verdana\',\'sans-serif\'; font-size: 9pt; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-bidi-font-family: \'Times New Roman\'; mso-fareast-language: RU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br /></span></p>',
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    'rating_count' => '0',
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    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
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    'priority' => '791',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
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    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
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    'frontend_price' => '1182.5400',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '1182.5400',
    'frontend_min_price' => '1182.5400',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '1182.5400',
    'frontend_max_price' => '1182.5400',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '1360.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '1360.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
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  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
8 509,89 9 790
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
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    'id_1c' => 'V7Q2vFONioWOSozwrCkgS2',
    'name' => 'Ролик натяжителя приводного ремня Вольво S60, S80, V70 II, XC70, XC90 \\\\ D5244T \\\\ VOLVO Original 30637962',
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    'description' => '',
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    'base_price' => '8509.8900',
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    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
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Основной Склад магазина
7 655,84 8 800
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
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    'summary' => '',
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    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить натяжитель \\\\ VOLVO Original 30720158 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
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    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:11',
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    'rating' => '0.00',
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    'compare_price' => '8800.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '7655.8400',
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Основной Склад магазина
7 459,44 8 580
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shopProduct object {
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    'frontend_min_price' => '7459.4400',
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6 007,27 6 910
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    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '12485.7800',
    'category_id' => '1103',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'moyskladapi_uploaded' => '0',
    'moyskladapi_sku_count' => '0',
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    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '6007.2700',
    'frontend_price' => '6007.2700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '6007.2700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '6007.2700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '6007.2700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '6007.2700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '6910.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '6910.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
3 665,83 4 220
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '88215',
    'moyskladapi_id' => '84ee5e70-1862-11ef-0a80-04d50032e41d',
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    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => '7CmcS7n3jj625-cMwqjqG0',
    'name' => 'Ведущая шестерня B6324S \\\\ VOLVO Original 30759060',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '30759060 Ведущая шестерня B6324S \\\\ VOLVO Original 30759060',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Ведущая шестерня \\\\ VOLVO Original 30759060 цена {$price} оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. ',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:12',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:33:22',
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    'rating' => '0.00',
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    'tax_id' => '0',
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    'base_price' => '3665.8300',
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    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1103',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
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    'moyskladapi_buy_price' => NULL,
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    'frontend_price' => '3665.8300',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '3665.8300',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '3665.8300',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '4220.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '4220.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
13 063,85 15 020
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
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    'moyskladapi_min_bal' => '0',
    'id_1c' => 'VTBfCizXhU-WaOBV1P97P2',
    'name' => 'Натяжитель ремня навесного оборудования D VOLVO XC90 \\\\ GParts VO31251251',
    'summary' => '',
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    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить недорого Натяжитель приводного ремня с роликом \\\\ GParts VO31251251 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. Доставка по России.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2020-03-26 12:37:09',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-06-17 11:44:36',
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    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'natjazhitel-privodnogo-remnja-s-rolikom-gparts-vo31251251',
    'rating' => '0.00',
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    'compare_price' => '15020.0000',
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    'frontend_min_price' => '13063.8500',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '13063.8500',
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  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
13 063,85 15 020
dumped from wa-cache/6c03fb/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
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    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить недорого Натяжитель приводного ремня с роликом ENG -349808 \\\\ GParts VO31251252 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене. Доставка по России.',
    'description' => '',
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    'url' => 'natjazhitel-privodnogo-remnja-s-rolikom-eng-349808-gparts-vo31251252',
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    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '1103',
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    'frontend_price' => '13063.8500',
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    'frontend_max_price' => '13063.8500',
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  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина