
Кузовное железо 240-260

11 548,78 13 280
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '122899',
    'id_1c' => '0e4751bb-c355-4a5b-8728-6b5a203c32fd',
    'name' => 'Поперечная балка Вольво 240 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1304668',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1304668 {$name} shopvolvo.ru',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '8686',
    'create_datetime' => '2021-04-20 16:52:37',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 18:52:22',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '32073',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'poperechnaya-balka-volvo-240-260-volvo-original-1304668',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '11548.7800',
    'compare_price' => '13280.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '11548.7800',
    'max_price' => '11548.7800',
    'tax_id' => '0',
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '11548.7800',
    'min_base_price' => '11548.7800',
    'max_base_price' => '11548.7800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '500',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '11548.7800',
    'frontend_price' => '11548.7800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '11548.7800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '11548.7800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '11548.7800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '11548.7800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '13280.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '13280.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
944,30 1 090
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87460',
    'id_1c' => '2ee62bab-558e-47d7-85cd-f4495ab25ed5',
    'name' => 'Соединительный молдинг фары VOLVO 240, 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1202820',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1202820 Соединительный молдинг фары VOLVO 240, 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1202820',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Соединительный молдинг фары \\\\ VOLVO Original 1202820 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 19:05:23',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9462',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'soedinitelnyj-molding-fary-1202820',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '944.3000',
    'compare_price' => '1090.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '944.3000',
    'max_price' => '944.3000',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '12.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
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    'min_base_price' => '944.3000',
    'max_base_price' => '944.3000',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '944.3000',
    'frontend_price' => '944.3000',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '944.3000',
    'frontend_min_price' => '944.3000',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '944.3000',
    'frontend_max_price' => '944.3000',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '1090.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '1090.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
147,75 170
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87475',
    'id_1c' => 'f79547a4-307b-485a-bb29-4bda9953c5b5',
    'name' => 'Пружинная гайка крепления молдингов VOLVO 240 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246599',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1246599 Пружинная гайка крепления молдингов VOLVO 240 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246599',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Пружинная гайка крепления молдингов VOLVO 240 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246599 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 19:04:30',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9477',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'pruzhinnaja-gajka-1246599',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '147.7500',
    'compare_price' => '170.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '147.7500',
    'max_price' => '147.7500',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
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    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
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    'min_base_price' => '147.7500',
    'max_base_price' => '147.7500',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '147.7500',
    'frontend_price' => '147.7500',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '147.7500',
    'frontend_min_price' => '147.7500',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '147.7500',
    'frontend_max_price' => '147.7500',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '170.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '170.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
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  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина
4 919,71 5 660
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87476',
    'id_1c' => '92376dfa-9f97-495e-920a-fe81ed4204d3',
    'name' => 'Задний молдинг VOLVO 240 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246647',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1246647 Задний молдинг VOLVO 240 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246647',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Задний молдинг \\\\ VOLVO Original 1246647 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 19:00:00',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9478',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'molding-1246647',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '4919.7100',
    'compare_price' => '5660.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '4919.7100',
    'max_price' => '4919.7100',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '4919.7100',
    'min_base_price' => '4919.7100',
    'max_base_price' => '4919.7100',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '4919.7100',
    'frontend_price' => '4919.7100',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '4919.7100',
    'frontend_min_price' => '4919.7100',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '4919.7100',
    'frontend_max_price' => '4919.7100',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '5660.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '5660.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
399,98 460
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87479',
    'id_1c' => 'bf8f5ae0-0831-4619-940c-b6630cdaf38b',
    'name' => 'Клипса шумоизоляции капота VOLVO 240 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247572',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1247572 Клипса шумоизоляции капота VOLVO 240 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247572',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить КЛИПСА \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247572 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 19:01:30',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9481',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'klipsa-1247572',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '399.9800',
    'compare_price' => '460.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '399.9800',
    'max_price' => '399.9800',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '399.9800',
    'min_base_price' => '399.9800',
    'max_base_price' => '399.9800',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '399.9800',
    'frontend_price' => '399.9800',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '399.9800',
    'frontend_min_price' => '399.9800',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '399.9800',
    'frontend_max_price' => '399.9800',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '460.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '460.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
743,86 860
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87480',
    'id_1c' => 'ebc453df-f3fb-4296-9666-c57b29e49471',
    'name' => 'Держатель молдинга VOLVO 240 140 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247708',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1247708 Держатель молдинга VOLVO 240 140 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247708',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить КЛИПСА 140, 200 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1247708 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 18:59:47',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9482',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'klipsa-140-200-1247708',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '743.8600',
    'compare_price' => '860.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '743.8600',
    'max_price' => '743.8600',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '10.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '743.8600',
    'min_base_price' => '743.8600',
    'max_base_price' => '743.8600',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '743.8600',
    'frontend_price' => '743.8600',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '743.8600',
    'frontend_min_price' => '743.8600',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '743.8600',
    'frontend_max_price' => '743.8600',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '860.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '860.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
ЦС Вольво (заказ до 60 дней - предоплата 100%)
1 341,77 1 540
dumped from wa-cache/443b7d/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_ru_RU/b1/bb/06/b1bb06dc15985f2676c0953f44e72e2744e5b455.file.products.grid.html.php line #178:

shopProduct object {
  *data => [
    'id' => '87481',
    'id_1c' => '364910cc-e38a-4163-ac1d-3c2c779a6eee',
    'name' => 'Решетка колонок 2-дверный VOLVO 240, 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1248220',
    'summary' => '',
    'meta_title' => '1248220 Решетка колонок 2-дверный VOLVO 240, 260 \\\\ VOLVO Original 1248220',
    'meta_keywords' => '',
    'meta_description' => 'Интернет магазин предлагает купить Обод/реборда \\\\ VOLVO Original 1248220 оригинал и аналоги по низкой цене.',
    'description' => '',
    'contact_id' => '1',
    'create_datetime' => '2019-12-25 18:20:10',
    'edit_datetime' => '2024-05-14 19:04:53',
    'status' => '1',
    'type_id' => '2',
    'image_id' => NULL,
    'image_filename' => '',
    'video_url' => NULL,
    'sku_id' => '9483',
    'ext' => NULL,
    'url' => 'obodreborda-1248220',
    'rating' => '0.00',
    'price' => '1341.7700',
    'compare_price' => '1540.0000',
    'currency' => 'RUB',
    'min_price' => '1341.7700',
    'max_price' => '1341.7700',
    'tax_id' => NULL,
    'count' => '20.000',
    'count_denominator' => '1',
    'order_multiplicity_factor' => '1.000',
    'stock_unit_id' => '0',
    'base_unit_id' => '0',
    'stock_base_ratio' => '1.00000000',
    'order_count_min' => '1.000',
    'order_count_step' => '1.000',
    'base_price' => '1341.7700',
    'min_base_price' => '1341.7700',
    'max_base_price' => '1341.7700',
    'cross_selling' => NULL,
    'upselling' => NULL,
    'rating_count' => '0',
    'total_sales' => '0.0000',
    'category_id' => '593',
    'badge' => '<div class="badge" style="background-color: #04be3d;"><span>VOLVO Original</span></div>',
    'sku_type' => '0',
    'base_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'compare_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'purchase_price_selectable' => '0.0000',
    'sku_count' => '1',
    'priority' => '1000',
    'labelproduct' => NULL,
    'stock_location' => NULL,
    'unconverted_currency' => 'RUB',
    'unconverted_price' => '1341.7700',
    'frontend_price' => '1341.7700',
    'unconverted_min_price' => '1341.7700',
    'frontend_min_price' => '1341.7700',
    'unconverted_max_price' => '1341.7700',
    'frontend_max_price' => '1341.7700',
    'unconverted_compare_price' => '1540.0000',
    'frontend_compare_price' => '1540.0000',
  *is_dirty => []
  *is_frontend => true
  *options => true
  *dependent_fields => []
  *model => shopProductModel object { ** skipped as a descendant of waModel ** }
Основной Склад магазина